This section publishes some of the games with which I've has been involved.
Web Games
Game | Date (Latest Version) | Notes |
Ten Nights for the Web | 2018-2021 | Requires a modern browser. |
SVG FreeCell | 2006-02-24 | Requires Firefox 1.5+, Opera 9+, Safari 3+, Chrome 0.2+ or IE+ASV. |
SVG Solitaire | 2006-01-18 | Requires Firefox 1.5+, Opera 9+, Safari 3+, Chrome 0.2+ or IE+ASV. |
StackVeryGood | 2005-06-15 | Requires Firefox 1.5+, Opera 9+, Safari 3+, Chrome 0.2+ or IE+ASV |
Windows Games
Game |
Ten Nights Of Killing And Mayhem at FJB III |
Caverns of Xaskazien |
Zombie Nightmare |
SVG FreeCell
2006-02-24. Another SVG demo game. It works in Mozilla Firefox 1.5+, Opera 9+ and Internet Explorer 6.0 + Adobe SVG Viewer 3.03.
NOTE: Your browser must be able to support scriptable Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). If you're using Internet Explorer, click here to install the Adobe SVG Viewer.
SVG Solitaire
2006-01-18. Another SVG demo game. It works in Mozilla Firefox 1.5+, Opera 9+, Safari 3+ Chrome 0.2+ and Internet Explorer 6.0 + Adobe SVG Viewer 3.03.
NOTE: Your browser must be able to support scriptable Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). If you're using Internet Explorer, click here to install the Adobe SVG Viewer.
2005-06-15. A proof-of-concept SVG game: StackVeryGood. Arrange dropping tile blocks into complete rows. Should look very familiar to most casual gamers. This game has been tested in Firefox 1.5+, Opera 9+, Safari 3+, Chrome 0.2+, and Internet Explorer 6.0 with Adobe SVG Viewer 3.03.
NOTE: Your browser must be able to support scriptable Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). If you're using Internet Explorer, click here to install the Adobe SVG Viewer.
Click here to play StackVeryGood!
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Ten Nights Of Killing And Mayhem at FJB IV
PLAY IT HERE.This turn-based strategy game began as a board game cooked up by a few bored high-school students, was turned into a DOS game, then rewritten to use a better DOS graphics mode.
Here are some online reviews of the original game:
In the early 2000s it was reworked again (version III) to use BOSS and SDL to work with modern Windows systems. Original game written by Jeff Sinasac for Little Devils Incorporated. Windows version ported and enhanced by Jeff Schiller.
The latest and greatest incarnation of this game (IV) is a browser-based version. PLAY IT HERE.
This game is Freeware and is in Alpha stage. Please report any bugs to my Gmail.
Last Updated on 2017-12-09, Build 114.
If you're still interested in version III, see history here. Older history and current bugs/ideas are captured here).
Discuss this game in our forums.
Caverns of Xaskazien
This fun little retro, turn-based, tiled RPG was written by Jeff Sinasac for Little Devils Incorporated. The original platform was DOS and it relies heavily on Borland libraries (Borland Graphics Interface = BGI).
The original DOS-based version is Freeware and was put up on MobyGames, The UnderDogs and other similar sites, but no longer seems to be available for download. I have put together my own download of the DOS-based version that will probably work except for sound (I didn't include the required DOS sound drivers...). If you want to see the original DOS game, click the below button:
Caverns of Xaskazien was ported over to Windows in 2004 using the BOSS library (which uses SDL). The porting was done by Jeff Schiller and the code was handed back over to Jeff Sinasac to continue work on it in his spare time.
Jeff Sinasac has improved the original COX game since I handed the code back to him. His results are:
- More and better sound effects
- Monsters corpses are shown where you left them
- Environmental sounds such as: Crackling fire
- New map areas: Rivers, Lava, Illusory Walls, Pendulum Blades, Webs
- Damsels
A full list of enhancements and bug fixes since the handover can be seen in the COX Manual from the new download here. NOTE: I am not maintaining this code anymore. Please contact Jeff Sinasac for any bugs/updates.
Last Updated on 2017-12-5. Version 5.00.
Discuss this game in our forums.
Zombie Nightmare
This is a new SDL-based game that Jeff Sinasac has begun working on. It is a turn-based strategy game. The Beta 2.10 download is now available for debugging and testing purposes. Please contact Jeff Sinasac for any bugs/questions or discuss in our forums.
Click here for a recent history.